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So, I Got a Chemical Peel for my Adult Acne

Well, actually, I got six peels in six months. I’ve been going to the dermatologist for my adult acne for a few years now. We have tried different topical creams and all sorts of oral medications in order to kick this acne to the curb, but I was a bit too lazy and had a hard time keeping up with the meds. The acne didn’t really start improving until I started chemical peels.

To start with, I have pretty mild adult acne from my doctor’s perspective, but to me, (someone who’s the face of a brand and on TV) acne is a huge problem. Frankly, it kicks my self-esteem in the gut and I am down for the count. Plus, my acne hurts! I get cystic acne on top of my regular pimples and those cysts really hurt me physically (and make self-conscious). They last for weeks and get so red and inflamed that I’ll want to try all extracting methods. So, yes, I attempt to pop these cysts. It rarely works and, my doctor says to definitely not do that.

This is the history that prompted my chemical peel adventure. Peels aren’t cheap. Mine cost about $160 per peel and they can go up from there. Although, sometimes, my office has a 20% discount and special! It’s also not a relaxing spa experience so just know that going into it. It will hurt! I mean, they are literally burning your top layer of skin off with chemicals, so yeah…PAINFUL! But… it is 100% worth every penny and the pain does subside. This (combined with eating better) has transformed my skin for the better. I don’t have horrible acne popping up weekly and my cysts have been few and far between (as I type this I think I have had only like 2 bad ones in a whole year)!

The whole treatment takes about an hour from start to finish, but the peel solution is only on my skin for around 3-5 minutes depending on how much discomfort I can stand. Every dermatology office is different, but this is how mine operates. I come in and Cassi and I chat about what I want done. I am usually pointing to my acne and talking about anti-aging focuses and then ask her what she thinks I should do. Her answer is one that involves a peel. Whether that is a straight up peel or a combo of a few things is completely up to her: I trust her.

Cassi starts by washing and exfoliating my face. She uses a Clarisonic type tool to do this. This is actually the nice and relaxing part, but the anticipation of what’s to come (the peel) usually has me mentally prepping for that. Next she gets my face ready to apply the peel. She puts some sort of thick paste on my lips and other sensitive areas so the peel won’t get on them. She calls this “the black” but since my eyes are shut I don’t see it. Speaking of eyes, she will put thick “stickers” over my eyes to protect them, too. She mixes everything right there and then starts to apply the peel. At first, it doesn’t feel bad at all, but after a second or two it starts to tingle, then burn. You should at least try to leave it on for a 1-2 minutes, but the longer you can go (up to 5 minutes) the better the results will be.

The first time I did a peel I was a complete wuss and it only lasted 2 minutes. Now I am used to it so I can go the full 5 minutes. After the peel is done, Cassi wipes everything off and this gives me the best and most relaxing facial massage. Everything is so calming to the senses and so, so nice. I almost always fall asleep at this point. Also, Cassi did say that not everyone does this step. Some estheticians simply do the peel and that’s it, so this is a huge perk if you can go where I go!

After that my treatment is done!

It takes about a full week to stop peeling and see your new, clear face emerge. It isn’t a scary, hide your face type treatment that you see in the movies. I still go to work, put makeup on (although I try not to) and mostly it just looks like you have a dry face. You usually peel, and you are supposed to let that happen naturally anyway. Don’t pull the dead skin off because it can lead to scaring, although you can use a gentle exfoliate in the shower to help it along. Chemical peels also work best if you can get them monthly. It is a large cost and I know most people can’t afford this. I can’t even afford to get them monthly right now so between peels I use an over-the-counter peel.  It is called Kate Somerville’s “ExfoliKate and her Clinic-to-Go. I use the ExfoliKate more and keep it in the shower to use weekly. It is AMAZING.

Below is all the info on where me and the Mr. get all our derm needs done. If you’re local to Chicagoland, I highly recommend them: Dermatology Associates of Oakbrook Terrace and I see Cassi for my peels. If you go, tell her April sent you!

I have some pictures below of my skin’s progress. These came from my IG so sorry about that, but if you want to see more or hear me talk about this experience pop over to my IG and click on the “Chemical Peel” highlight. I should add that I am in no way a medical professional. These are my own results and opinions. I talk to my doctor about everything and you should too! If you do have any questions, tips, or comments about your own acne and skincare journey please leave them below.

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